Koy kakvoto pravee,
na sebe si go pravi. = Whatever one does, one does it to
Koyto zlo misli, zlo nameera. = He who thinks evil finds
Kogo e hapala zmiya, toy ee ot gushter se bo-EE. = Once
you've been bitten by a snake, you're afraid of even a lizard.
Dur-VO-to se pre-VEE-va dokato eh tunko. = A tree is bent
while it is slender.
Sit nah GLAH-den ne vyarva. = The well-fed person doesn't
believe the hungry person.
Golyam oblak - maluk duzhd. = Big cloud, little rain.
Ako ruh-KA dava, a surt-SE ne dava - nishto ne stava.
= If the hand gives but the heart doesn't, nothing will
come of it.
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